Electrical Definitions
Cable : a conductor for transmitting electric currents,composed of several
wires of strands laid up together,with or without insulating and protective coverings. |
Capacitor : A system of conductors capable of storing electric charge is called a capacitor. |
capacitance : The property of AC circuits which opposes any change in the amount of voltage is called capacitance.
It is denoted by letter C and its unit is farad(F). |
Campbell Bridge : An ac bridge that is used to measure self inductance in terms
of a mutual inductance M. |
Carrier Wave : A wave with the properties to enable it to be transmitted
through a selected physical medium after it has been modulated. |
Cascade Amplifier : An amplifier consisting o a number of Thermionic Valves or transistors
in cascade connections. |
Cathetron : A grid controlled Mercury Vapour Rectifier with the control electrode
external to the tube. |
Cathode Ray : Rays consisting of a stream of negatively charged particles or Electrons given off
from the cathode in a highly exhausted tube,i.e. when the gas pressure is reduced below
1/100,000 of an atmosphere. |
Cathode Ray Oscillograph : A cathode ray tube arranged with a fluorescent screen at one end
upon which a narrow beam of cathode ray falls,and makes a viable spot of fluorescence. |
Cathode Ray Tube : A gas discharge tube suitable for the production of Cathode Rays. |
CCD Filter: A circuit in which the ability of a charge-coupled device to provide a precise
predetermined delay time to an analog signal is utilized in order to produce a desired signal processing function. |
Cell: A cell is a single storage element in a memory. |
Cell Constant: The ratio of the mean distance apart of the electrodes in a cell
to the mean cross section of the current path. |
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