Electrical Definitions
PAL : Abbervation for phase attenuation line. A colour TV system in which
chrominance signal is resolved into the components in Quadrature relative phase
of Quadrature components is reversed on alternate lines to minimize phase errors. |
Parametric Amplifier : An amplifier for use at microwave frequencies in which
the reactance of the device is varied in time by an altenating voltage called the pump
voltage. |
Paraphase Amplifier : An amplifier having two output signals which are 180 degrees
out of phase with each other,often used to drive a push-pull amplifier stage. |
Passive Components : The components which by themeselves are not capable of
amplifying or processing an electrical signal e.g. resistors,capacitors or inductors. |
Phase Lock Loop : A circuit which normally,automatically controls an
oscillator so that it remains in a fixed phase relationship with a reference signal.It is
used in a variety of applications such as tracking filter and frequency discriminators. |
Piezo Electric Effect : An effect that occurs when certain materials are subjected
to mechanical stress.An electrical polarization is set up in crystal and the faces of
the crystal become electrically changed. |
Pilot Synchronizing : A method of controlling the frequency of the local oscillator
in suppressed carrier and allied systems of radio telephony by means of an auxuliary
or pilot signal. |
PIN : Connection point for logic integrated module. |
Pixel : Pixel is a single cell in an image,usually represented as a bitmap
of intensity values.It is the acronym for picture element. |
Plasma Accelerator : An accelerator that forms a high-velocity jet of plasma
by using a magnetic field, an electric arc,a travelling wave or other similar means. |
Plasma Anodization : A method of making passive thin-film circuits by using a
low-pressure gas plasma of oxygen ions as the electrolyte to anodize evaporated
aluminium films on a glass substrate in a vaccum. |
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