Electrical Definitions
Emitter Coupled Logic : A group of integrated logic circuits coupled by
their emitters. |
Emitter Follower : A transistor amplifier using common collector mode
of operation.The output is derived from emitter. |
Encoder : It is a digital circuit which converts the information/data
into coded form. |
Energy Levels : The possible values of energy of an atom or molecule.
Quantum theory dictates that only certain fixed values are possible and these may
only change by an integral multiple of some fixed amount. |
Extended Interaction : Interaction between an electron beam or stream
and nearly synchronous travelling radio frequency signal over a physical distance
comparatable to a wave length. |
E.M.F. : The force which sets up a flow of current in a circuit is
called e.m.f. or 'Electro Motive Force'. |
Electrolyte : The chemical solution which undergoes chemical changes
on amount of conduction of current is called an electrolyte. |
Electrolytic Capacitor : An electrolytic capacitor consists of an electrolyte
between the two sets of plates.The electrolyte forms an insulation layer on positive
plates when the capacitor is connected across a DC source,the insulation so formed
acts as dielectric. |
Electronic Counter : An electronic equipment based on logic units which is
meant for counting RPM etc. is called an electronic counter. |
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