Electrical Definitions
Yagi : An antenna,named after its Japanese inventor, is basically a
conductor whose electrical length is one half the wave-length at the desired
frequency of operation and is center-fed. |
Yagi Aerial : A sharply directional aerial array from which most
aerials usd for television and radio astronomy have been developed. |
Y-Modem : A method of transmitting data to another computer through
modems. |
Yoke : A piece of ferromagnetic material that is used to connect
permanently two or more magnetic cores and thus complete a magnetic circuit without
surrounding it by a winding of any kind. |
Y-Signal : The component of a color-encoded displays signal representing
luminance infomation.The signal produces a black and white image on a standard
monochrome monitor. It is made up by combining specified fractions of the red(0.30),
green (0.59) and blue(0.11) colour signals. |